



Monroe Rural Fire District business meeting will be held July 25, 2024

at 6:30 p.m. at the Monroe Rural Fire District Station at 840 W 8th St, Monroe, WI.  


The agenda for the business meeting is as follows:

  1. Call the Monroe Rural Fire District business meeting to order.
  2. Roll call.
  3. Approve the business agenda.
  4. Review and approve the past minutes.
  5. Review and possible action on fire inspections and on 2% dues funding
  6. Review and possible action on resolution to change MRFD Intergovernmental agreement section VI.a.i.

7.Disscussion possible action on cadet fire program

  1. Review and possible action on Proposed 2024 capital improvement items and purchase
  2. Upgrade electrical to truck bay
  3. Review and possible action of Finances
  4. Review and possible action on Audit of fire department
  5. Review and possible action on financial reporting
  6. Review and possible action on capital plan and funding
  7. Grant Updates. Truck update.
  8. Review general operations of MRFD.
  9. Fire Chief updates.
  10. Business by district commissioner
  11. Any other concerns to be discussed or action taken.



Jackie Boss






General public is welcome. All Town residents are encouraged to attend.

Anyone wishing to appear before the Rural Fire District with a separate agenda item should notify the chair at 608-328-4513, so they can be added to the agenda. Notification should be made at least (48) hours prior to the meeting.

Location of the meeting: MRFD building, 840 W 8th Street, Monroe, WI